The parables of Matthew 13 are usually studied one by one, but this method, if not supplemented by an overview of all the parables together, leaves us with a hodge-podge of seemingly independent parables. However, there is definitely an overall scheme behind these parables, especially in how they are placed. A summary of the parables is as follows:
The Parable of the Sower - Yeshua begins spreading the Gospel, but only a small number respond. Satan comes in and snatches away the Word from some. Tribulation and persecution arise because of the Word. The cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke out the Word.
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares - God created a good world, including His children. Satan ruined the world by sowing his own children. Because the two groups are indistinguishable they must all remain until the end of the age. Then the angels will remove the wicked and cast them into the fire.
The Parable of the Mustard Seed - The Kingdom of Heaven started off small, but will grow very large. Evil will find shelter there. (Don't forget that Yeshua seemed to be referring to the physical world of today, even though Satan has been allowed to have a certain control of the earth that won't end until Yeshua's return.)
The Parable of the Leaven - The Kingdom of Heaven will be infiltrated with false teaching that will go throughout the Kingdom.
Each of the previous parables seems to demonstrate how Satan tries to destroy the Kingdom!
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure - God had given Satan a certain amount of control over the world. Yeshua, by dying on the cross and rising from the dead buys the world and thereby now owns the hidden treasure (His people).
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price - Yeshua buys each of His people by His death and resurrection.
The Parable of the Net - At the end of the age the angels will gather both the wicked and the just. In judgment, they will cast the wicked into the furnace of fire.
Each of the parables in this group seems to demonstrate God's work on behalf of the Kingdom!
The Parable of the Householder - Since the disciples have been instructed in the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, it is their turn to carry on the work of the Kingdom.
Matthew's parables of chapter 13 could definitely be called a blueprint for God's success in His world. Although the multitudes heard the parables, it was only the disciples who were given the full information about Yeshua's teachings. Although they may not have completely understood at the time, they had His blueprint to refer to later when the Holy Spirit brought Yeshua's teachings to mind. God's plan meant success in the future, something that the twelve and all Yeshua's disciples, even today, need to understand and trust in!
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